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Moderated fldigi alpha posted


At http://www.w1hkj.com/alpha/fldigi
    Win10 writeLog
      * Win10 write to file hosing up records

      * send logged frequency with other log info
      * enable setlocale(LC_ALL,"")

Re: IK6AWY report

 - the QTH field value from FLdigi is imported in ACL in the "QTH Grp"
 field and not in the "QTH" field (this is an error).

Scott, N3FJP, states: AC Log doesn't have a dedicated QTH field.

 -  The frequency value is imported in ACL with "." separation and not
 with "," separation (this is an other error) ...

This might be corrected by the setlocale(LC_ALL,"") inclusion.  I have no convenient way to test on my computers.

Re: SV1GRB reported lost fields in logbook.adif

This might be corrected by the Win10 writeLog modification.

73, David, W1HKJ

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